Down Time

I know that it has been a while since I’ve written, but I’ve needed some down time. I did way too much during the first few days of the month and now I’m paying for it. I’ve spent two days completely bed-bound and then another two days where I have been able to get out of bed for short periods of time and then I have to lay back down again.

I have also dealt with some recent disappointments. I would rather not go into details. Just know that I have been sad lately. I will climb out of this hole soon enough. I am strong ad will recover soon from this down time. I have also gotten behind in reading your blogs. Once I’m able to sit up for longer periods of time I will catch up on those.

I just wanted to let y’all know that I’m still here, still kicking it, and will be back soon. I hope you are all ok and having good days.

26 thoughts on “Down Time

  1. Aww that is so nice of you to think of us when you have so much to cope. You are amazing. Everytime I am lazy not wanting to do something, I remind myself of people like you and my brother (he is in coma) and that catapults me into action.
    I know you are STRONG and will soon bounce back. Please do take care 🙂


    • Thank you so much for saying that. I have made some really good friends on here and I knew if I didn’t write something soon they would wonder if I were still alive lol. I too believe that I am strong. I’m already sitting up longer and have spent some time in my chair. I’ll know I’m better when I can sit there most of the day. However, I seem to have gotten a lot of crocheting done. Even made a couple of things I didn’t plan on making. I’ve made 2 hats, 4 pouches (like the soap savers but out of acrylic…just to keep things in) and am working on an afghan. Oh, and I made my first washcloth the other day too. I too think of you and your talent to crochet such beautiful things without a pattern (which I’m still learning how to read). That keeps me trying new things, but it realize I need to know how to do the easy stuff first and do it WELL while trying new things here and there.


        • Well, I’ve been watching a lot of TV lately, and that’s usually when I crochet. Otherwise, I would have been reading blog posts from all of you that come in the email and (maybe) commenting. I still can’t read and crochet at the same time. Lol…imagine all the mistakes I’d have!


  2. I hope you feel better real soon. Know that “this too shall pass”. I try to keep that in mind when my reality changes and I go into that hole you’re talking about. I will say a prayer for you right now. Know that we care about you here in this community and I hope you start to feel better very soon. Big Hugs!


    • Thanks Laura. I know you guys care. That’s what convinced me to write this. I already have a new post in mind, but will have to feel a bit better before tackling it. Someone shared a medical paper with me and I want to scan through it again highlighting the important parts and sharing it with you all. I’m hoping that the idea proposed in the paper really begins to go into effect in more places. As soon as I’m a bit better, though. It’s a long paper with lots of references but it’s open to reproduction as long as the original site information is given. So, I guess this was a long way to say that I usually take something that I want to be able to accomplish and look forward to that. That usually pulls me out a little faster because I’m a stubborn bee and once I decide to do something, I do it! 😉


  3. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been dealing with a lot of pain. I know how it is when you overdo it. I’ve been adding things to my plate like crazy and then–yep–I crashed. That’s why I’m putting blogging on the side. My future plans are creating another blog which is geared towards my crocheting and crafts and stuff. That way, it will be a lot more manageable. Especially on the days where I’m dealing with a lot of pain and fatigue, I can just post a simple picture. Feel better soon! xx


    • I understand your wanting to do that…it’s your passion. Check out the lady’ sister who commented earlier. Her username is “youngatfifty”. She does some AMAZING things without a pattern like you’ve been doing recently. I think it would be good inspiration for you. Plus, she’s an amazing lady and I’m shamelessly putting a plug in for her. 😉. I hope you are feeling better from your crash. I tell you, this is the worst I’ve had in a long time!


  4. Sending hugs xoxoxo ~ Hope your down time comes to an end soon. I know how frustrating, maddening and paralyzing it can be. And whatever you are going through that made you sad, on top of the pain…..I’m sorry. Take care of yourself.


  5. Take your time Joy, your first responsibility is you 🙂 I’m noticing a lot of people…myself included, are needing some downtime right now. I’m behind in my blog and in reading other’s posts. It seems to be a common theme right no, post holiday fatigue maybe? Regardless, we’ll be here when you get back!


    • I appreciate that. I want to say mine has been from over exertion, but I was a day or so behind on posts before that. So maybe it is post-holiday junk or maybe I’m following too many people…you’re all just all so good though!


  6. I’m so sorry that you are having such a rough time right now. Not doing so well myself. I’m hoping we can skype this week. Missing you. Love you, girl. Sorry your so sad, too. I don’t have any appointments tomorrow. I had one scheduled, but she had to cancel to take her dad to hospice, so I’ll be home in bed all day tomorrow, if you don’t have appointments and you feel like skyping, just let me know, ok? When I get online I’ll turn my skype on. I hope you feel much “better” soon.:(


      • I enjoyed our chat today, sleepy head. Hope you got some sleep. I don’t have any appointments tomorrow, either, so if you feel up to chatting tomorrow just skype me, I’ll have it on. Have a good night. I think I’m gonna get off here in a few minutes, just as soon as my KU game comes on.


  7. It’s the start of the year – there’s so much going on and it’s so easy to overdo things! Today is the first day in about a month for me getting on a computer and catching up on everyone’s blogs. I have to remind myself not to go overboard and do little bits, then rest, then do more little bits. So boring, but it’s things like this that will save me tomorrow.
    Hope everything else is going ok in your life. Don’t forget that things like stress and grief have a physical impact on the body – take care of yourself xx


    • Thanks Claire. I’m trying to keep calm. Things are getting better. I still have to take at least two naps during the day because the smallest thing wears me out. You would think I would know better by now. But, hey sometimes we just have to suck it up and keep going even though we know that we’ll pay for it later. Rarely, but sometimes.


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