It Was A Flop

I was waiting to post until I knew for sure if the nerve block I had done on Friday was going to work or not. It was a flop. It was very interesting how the procedure went. Normally I am put to sleep when they do a nerve block on me, but this time was different. Instead of going in my back, they went in my lower left pelvic area. It was called an ilioinguinal nerve block. It was meant to ease the pain in the pelvic area.

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A part of me knew that it wasn’t going to work as I saw it done. They use ultrasound to find the nerve that runs close to the hip bone. Problem is, my intestines are glued to my abdominal wall by adhesions. The doctor was unable to see the nerve, so he just injected the surrounding area as close to where the nerve is supposed to be as he could. Instead of instant pain relief, it actually hurt worse because he had introduced fluid to an already very tightly filled space.  But, I remained optimistic that it would work within the 24-48hr time frame I had been given.  Not so lucky. When I go back, I hope to discuss one more option that I have found doing my own research. It is called the pudendal nerve. We’ll see what happens. I’ll keep you updated. I will never ever give up hope.


57 thoughts on “It Was A Flop

  1. Damn it, woman. I’m so sorry it’s not working for you. You’ve been through so much and you stay so positive, I don’t know how you do it, I really don’t. I try so hard, but……………….. Now what’s this private password protected chat below? How am I supposed to go about getting the password? Hmm?:)


      • I should do that. That way I could blog about some things that I don’t want certain people to read about. Good idea. I don’t know how you figure all this stuff out, girl. How you doing today? You went out like a light, so fast, last night. I was kinda worried about you. The last time I was able to clap and make enough noise to wake you up. LOL You stop that! That scares me.


          • I know you do. You love me just the way I am. LOL Now I just sent Amanda a message. I’m thinking both of you should come to my house and we should go to KU Medical Center. Check it out. People come here from all over the place, just like they do for the stupid Mayo Clinic. It’s one of the best teaching hospitals around. They do transplants and all kinds of stuff. Supposed to be one of the best. I told her maybe we could get a group discount for all three of us to get our adhesions removed. LOL LOL LOL
            LOL about that last comment, but serious about the rest. Do your research on KU Medical Center in Kansas City, Kansas. If you don’t find it that way, try Kansas City, Missouri. It’s kinda on the borderline,not sure how it’s listed. I’m not kidding. I’ve got plenty of room to put you both up and we can have one hell of a time. Wild Thang will show you all how it’s done. LOL LOL LOL I’m a great influence on people, so I’ve been told. LOL


          • Oh yeah, great influence. I can hear it now. I tell M I’m going to your house and he lets out one of those funny, high-pitched girl screams. Just joking! Yeah, let me look it up and I’ll get back to you on that. Have you already found a doctor, or is that what you want me to find out?


          • I want you to find out because I’m so fucking fed up with it all, I can’t even bring myself to look for one more doctor, and you are just so good with your researching skills and seem to be able to find everything you look for.


          • Now, I’m serious. That was a serious compliment. I’m not always sarcastic. I’m just at my wits end and in so much pain. I’ve been sitting on that website, again, today since noon and it’s still saying please wait. I’m enrolled, but it won’t let me “hit” review and confirm. Oh, buddy, you don’t even want to know about yesterday. All damn day on that website and on the phone with those representatives, you talk about driving a person to drink. I was on the phone with my mom, cussing up a storm, about to have a stroke and told her if Dan has to call you over here, again, it’s because I’m going to get that Aftershock out of the closet and start drinking and she said don’t you dare. I didn’t, but I came close. That’s what happened the night all those papers and all my things went flying all over my bedroom. LOL he didn’t know what to do, so he called my mom over here. LOL LOL LOL she didn’t think it was very funny. LOL


          • I knew you were serious. I’ve ’bout learned you by now. I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time with those SOBs. Hopefully they’ll get their act together before the end of the year.


          • No. No one is going to do anything for me. They are now back to that running me in a circle. I’ll call the OB/GYN and she says call the urologist, which my urologist moved or something, the GI doctor tells me to call my primary care doctor, my primary care doctor tells me to call my GI doctor. Not gonna play that game any more. It’s because none of them know what to do with me. I get it, so find me a doctor that will, but they don’t do that part, that’s up to me and I’ve been my own advocate for a long, long time now. I learned that many years ago, but after so many doctors and getting my hopes up every time and then there’s the let down every time. Just gets old and frustrating after awhile and makes me just want to quit. Just lay here in the damn bed until whatever happens, happens. By the time you are my age, if you are still playing this game, you will know exactly what I mean. When I was your age, I was more gung ho, but no mo! LOL:) 😦


    • Hips are the same. I haven’t calmed down enough to see the GP yet. Still pretty mad at him about the whole UTI thing missing the positive urinalysis, not prescribing antibiotics, and waiting a month to let me know about the ultrasound and then saying he hoped the pain had been resolved. Yes but no thanks to him. Plus, he diagnosed me with Fibro, but didn’t put it in the diagnosis list. When I calm down enough to speak rationally with him about it I’ll go. Until then it’s probably not a good idea.


  2. I’m sorry to hear that it didn’t work out for you. 😦 I’ll pray that there will be another way which can help alleviate your pain.


  3. Wandered over by way of C4C.

    How frustrating. I had a radical nerve block with a cortisone shot and it didn’t work, either. My probs are mostly with back pain and sciatica– after a fusion surgery five years ago and other treatments, I’m still having awful pain, so I’m trying spinal cord stim in about a week.

    My thoughts, prayers, and meditations are definitely with you.


  4. Joy, I dont want to scare you, but if that block didn’t work, don’t let them talk you into trying it again…we are so much alike body wise, and I had those same blocks so many times that they couldn’t see with the ultrasound, and he perferated my bowel, then that led me to having a bowel resection after not being able to have a BM for weeks and weeks, I meen I tried every laxitive in the book, enema, you name it, I did it before they finally went in and did the surgery, that took over 10 hours to repair, because they had let it go for over 4 months saying I couldn’t go to the bathroom cuz of the narcotics, OMG, I think I know, when I start to vomit up stool, im not constipated from narcotics, but anyways, I would hate for you to go through any of that, that surgery was in 2008 and i still to this day have to take a shot called relistor every other day just to keep my bowels moving cuz there is so much damage from the adhesions that have latched on to my bowels and I refuse to let them ever give me another block in my abdominal area EVER again, friggin ass holes…so please be ware of the risks of some of these things, I know we get desperate for relief and are willing to try anything, but some of this shit can, sorry to be blunt, but can fuck us up worse than we already are, and let me tell you having to give my self a shot every other day just to BM is not fun, I am used to it now, its my way of life, but it stems from the same kind of block by ultra sound you had done on friday, when I read your post i got chills and goose bumps up and down my arms…please honey, weigh out the risks verses the benifits.
    I was reading some of yours and wild thangs posts up above, I told my husband I want a bottle of RUM for xmas, I wanna get smashed on my ass…..I think I deserve it…I also was reading about you girls taking your sleeping pills….have either one of you heard of restoril 30mg thats what they have me on, anyways, Your in my thoughts, and I am sorry your block didn’t work, I pray you have some relief of some sort, I love my heating pad!!!!!


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